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  • Writer's pictureernestaustpro

What happen in March 2018

With the abolition of 457 visa, the new TSS visa will come into effect on March, 2018. Means the chances to apply for employer sponsored permanent visa, transitioning from temporary working visa will be less.

So from March 2018, what are the changes

- Direct Entry visa will require at least 3 years working experience

- MLTSSL and STSOL is officially in place for temporary visa

- Employer can decide how long will be the nomination period, no minimum 2 years period as the 457 visa

- Skilling Australian Fund. Every employer must pay the Skilling Australians Fund, replacing the training benchmark requirement. The parliament is yet to decide the amount at this stage

On the other words, getting permanent residency through temporary working visa is no longer easy and it requires higher requirement. However, there are still a lot of ways to obtain permanent residency through working visa, such as labour agreement and skilled provisional regional visa.

Stay tuned on our website for more updates.

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